My first college class in a year and a half is starting up tomorrow on top of my Coursera (free college course online) which started last week. And of course that means that I’m doing homework, right?!?! NO. My cupboard has been bothering me for the last few months, or maybe since we moved in last August. Today, I decided I was going to clean it. One of my weekly goals is to clean something big. This was a pretty big project. And one I’ve been putting off. So this morning I threw open the cupboard doors and began throwing away old food and empty boxes, then cleaned and organized the bottom half. Then I got to the top part with all of my flours, chocolate chips and nuts. I try to keep us eating mostly gluten free which means that I have a wide variety of almond meal, tapioca flour and coconut flour which was all over. I decided I needed to get a box and I found one at my favorite store – Target. Thankfully once those things were all in the cool box with the movable squares, I was free to finish the rest of my organizing. Pretty pictures of before and after are here for your visual assistance.
Why am I telling you this? First off, I think it’s important for every busy woman and small business owner to have every part of their lives organized because it creates less chaos and more productivity. Secondly, I think it’s important for you to achieve your goals too. Whether these are weekly goals, monthly goals or six month goals, working toward something is important to me. It’s a lot easier if these goals are written down too. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions because I don’t think they work. I think making goals and sticking to them works! As Lara Casey says “there is nothing special about January 1.”
So how are you doing on your goals? I feel like most days I’ve succeeded but other days pregnancy exhaustion and the other stuff going on in my day just becomes too much and I don’t get to a project or task. It’s okay! Some days there are other things that are more important. Like if you have a sick kid, you have an emergency, you get sick or you get a magical snow day. I’m pretty jealous of those in the Midwest and North East United States right now – I miss snow days. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Be present in their lives and don’t become so goal focused you miss what is happening around you. I used to be like that. I feel like I missed a great deal of my daughter’s life because I was focused on work and becoming the top dog. Thankfully I’ve awoken to really being there in her life.
So be goal oriented on getting what matters done, control the chaos because that will give you more time for the real things that matter.
Finished Product My baking goods box (Yay Rubbermaid)
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